Springer High School vs. Des Moines
Springer High School vs. Des Moines
Springer High School vs. Des Moines
Maxwell High School vs. Des Moines
Maxwell High School vs. Des Moines
Wagon Mound High School vs. Des Moines
New Mexico School for the Deaf vs. Maxwell High School
New Mexico School for the Deaf vs. Maxwell High School
Reserve High School vs. Maxwell High School
Reserve High School vs. Maxwell High School
Quemado High School vs. Maxwell High School
Quemado High School vs. Maxwell High School
Wagon Mound High School vs. Maxwell High School
Springer High School vs. Maxwell High School
Springer High School vs. Maxwell High School
Maxwell High School vs. Des Moines
Maxwell High School vs. Des Moines
Springer High School vs. Maxwell High School
Springer High School vs. Maxwell High School
Wagon Mound High School vs. Maxwell High School
Away vs. Maxwell High School
Away vs. Maxwell High School